Questions to ask myself after watching a tv show/film, reading a book, or playing a video game. And more! I will be using the term “Subject” to refer to whatever I’m reading/watching/playing.
This is just a list of suggested questions. I am only going to answer the basic questions and any that feel specific to the subject I’m writing about.
How did I come across this subject?
What about this piqued my interest?
What do I think this is going to be about?
What do I already know about it?
What kind of expectations do I have?
General impressions
General synopsis
Things that stood out to me
What did this remind me of?
How did it do things differently?
How did it surprise me?
What makes the work so [adjective]?
Post impressions
What does this work mean to me?
Was there anything I could personally relate to?
If you liked it, imagine someone hating it for justifiable reasons.
If you hated it, imagine someone liking it for justifiable reasons.
What is my single most lasting impression?
What kind of person would I recommend this to?
Things I liked
Was there anything that delighted me?
Who was my favorite character and why?
Interesting creative decisions
Things I disliked
Was there anything that disappointed me?
How would I have done things differently?
Who was the worst character and why?
Anything that bothered me?
What would I have liked to see?
How are the creator’s experiences different from my own?
How have the creator’s own life experiences manifested in the work?
What is the work’s creative lineage? (i.e. who/what inspired it?)
The story / message
What message was the subject trying to say?
How did it convey the message?
Was it successful in conveying its message?
What interesting things did I learn from this?
What questions do I still have?
How is this subject relevant to its time?
Is it a product of its time, or is it timeless?
Do you think the subject will have any lasting significance?
Or, how has it stayed significant?
Discuss the symbolism
What would it be like without a particular essential element?
How does it use the genre to its advantage?
What tropes did it employ?
Score and sound design
Thoughts on the soundtrack?
Any particular tracks you really liked?
Art direction
How would you describe the visual style?
Did you like the style? Why or why not?
What kind of creative liberties did they take?
Any interesting creative decisions that influenced the production?
Any particular cinematography that stood out?
What was the overall mood, and did it capture that well?
Ask and answer at least 3 to 5 questions specific to the subject.
Google “XYZ discussion questions”
Incorporating it into my life and work
What elements inspired me?
What am I getting out of this and how will I use the information?
What would I borrow from this, and how would I adapt it?
What ideas could incorporate the ideas I borrow from this?
What other media demonstrates the ideas I want to borrow?
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